
Aiming for wellness In our fast-paced world of moving and logistics, it's easy to get caught up in the never-ending challenges and the fine details of relocating people. But what if the key to productivity and success lies not in pushing harder, but in stepping back?
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View OnlineSubscribe | Media Kit   Oct 29, 2024



President's Message

Aiming for wellness

In our fast-paced world of moving and logistics, it's easy to get caught up in the never-ending challenges and the fine details of relocating people.  But what if the key to productivity and success lies not in pushing harder, but in stepping back?

Earlier this month, I opened my email to this message from NFP …

Please note that our office will be closed on Monday, October 7, for a company-wide Wellbeing Day. We recognize the importance of our employees' well-being, and this day is dedicated to ensuring they have time to recharge and focus on their mental and physical health.

You don't need your company to declare an official day off to prioritize your mental health.

I popped over to the States (Port Huron MI) with my daughter to pick up a few football-related things for the Tailgate Party on November 17th.  What was supposed to be two hours, ended up being six.  With Rhiannon having lived in China for nine years, this is her first Hallowe’en and Christmas “home”.  It took absolutely ages to get through the Hallowe’en candy aisles and Hobby Lobby.  Well, there was an hour blown checking out the rows and rows of ornaments, stockings, and various other holiday paraphernalia.

It was a long day, but I’ll tell you, walking away from CAMs never-ending to do lists and the fine detail of the conference execution was the best decision I made.  A complete change of scenery was a breath of fresh air.  I came back to my computer screens rejuvenated.

Quality Move Management (QMM), CAM 2024 award winner, takes employee wellness to the next level. They've integrated it into their growth strategy.  Annual employee surveys, debriefing sessions, and actionable plans keep the workplace experience positive and productive.  But they don't stop there – QMM has committees focused on diversity, health and safety, social responsibility, employee engagement, and even a "Fun Committee" that organizes events like bowling and axe throwing.

Remember, in our fast-paced world, sometimes the best way to move forward is to take a step back and recharge.  Whether it's through company-wide wellness days, flexible schedules, fun committees, or tailgate parties, there are countless ways to prioritize employee wellness.  After all, a healthy, happy workforce is the backbone of any successful business.

I can’t “pass” up an opportunity to suggest a great employee release for any CAM member … attending our Grey Cup Tailgate Party on November 17th at the Hilton Toronto Airport!

I know most of you can’t come to the conference but hanging out on Sunday night would be a great way to get a taste of the conference and connect with other movers, have some fun, and enjoy the camaraderie a relaxed setting can bring.  

Plus, when do you ever get a chance to see all your key suppliers in one room?  Maybe you and your staff have never met them face-to-face.  Well, now’s your chance!  You have to preregister for this.  Click here to learn more and buy your tickets.

Anyone who is a regular reader of our newsletter knows that we have a strong interest in employee health.  Not only ours, but yours.  It’s a tough business with multiple stressors and it is so easy to spin out of control.  Taking care of yourself and those around you is so important in our even faster paced world.  

Promoting Employee Wellness

In an industry known for its multiple stressors, taking care of yourself and your team is crucial.  It's not just about physical health – it's about creating a work environment that supports mental and emotional well-being too.

Companies have long been responsible for the on-the-job health and safety of their employees.  This responsibility however is now changing for employers as a greater realm of care for the overall wellness (physical and mental) of employees – both on and off the clock - is being considered.

The shift is the result of changing employee expectations, updates in legislation and the understanding by employers that a healthy workforce brings with it some real and quantifiable advantages.

TruckingHR Canada offers a free resource on taking a holistic approach to employee well-being, which could be a game-changer for many moving companies.

Pro Bono Students Canada

On October 9, 2024, Pro Bono Students Canada (PBSC)’s Consumer Protection Legal Clinic hosted its chapter training session at York University - Osgoode Hall Law School with the incoming students for the 2024-2025 term.  CAM President Nancy Irvine and Detective Constable Chris Long of the Toronto Police Service both spoke about their takes on moving scams orchestrated by disreputable operations posing as moving companies.

PBSC engages approximately 1,500 law students annually to provide free legal information and services in partnership with community organizations and supervising lawyers and notaries. In the case of moving scams, Toronto’s Scocco Law is the supervising law firm.

CAM has been involved with PBSC since 2021 with the meteoric rise of moving scams when we overwhelmed and needed assistance dealing with the hundreds of complaints coming in about these unscrupulous operations.  We were able to send victims to PBSC for legal advice.

Thankfully, with the help of CBC Marketplace bringing awareness to the issue and catching the eye of Chris Long, many of the scammers have been identified and have ceased to operate.  Moving scams were way down this past year, but there has been a slight increase over the past few months.  While we don’t anticipate many calls, it’s great to know that these students will be able to deal with helping stressed-out victims navigate the initial challenges of retrieving their household goods.

It was great for Nancy to see 2023 CAM Public Service Award winners Chris Long (literally with the hair!) and Rocco Scocco again.

FIDI Top Performers

Congratulations to CAM members Orbit International Movers (Canada) and Armstrong International Movers, both based in Toronto who were recently named as FIDI (Fédération Internationale des Déménageurs Internationaux) top performers!

The FAIM Quality Standard, which FIDI uses, is a worldwide high-quality standard for international moving and relocations services.  FAIM certified companies need to comply at all times to operational standards, supply-chain management, risk management, data protection, and have financial stability.

The FAIM Compliance Procedure follows a 3-year cycle, with an extensive on-site audit every third year. The on-site audit process is performed by independent auditors.

Well done both!

Atlas Canada – Platinum Sponsor of CAM2024

Thank you for your ongoing support of CAM and our annual conference.  Looking forward to seeing you in Mississauga!

CAM 2024 Annual Conference – It’s Not Too Late To Register!

For almost three decades, CAM has been the driving force behind movers connecting, learning, and socializing.  Join us in Mississauga as we continue this tradition and create lifelong memories with fellow industry professionals, suppliers, and friends of CAM.  Last year's conference in Ottawa was a resounding success, breaking participation records and setting the bar high for this year's event.  We are going to better that!  

Whether you're a seasoned attendee or a first-timer, the CAM2024 Conference is the place to be this November.  We have a variety of packages to suit your work demands – full conference including the Awards Dinner on Tuesday Night; Monday or Tuesday daytime only; or just come for the Sunday night Tailgate Party.  Check out the conference program and see what works for you!

Don’t Forget The Trade Show!

When was the last time you had an in-person conversation with your suppliers?  You’ll have lots of time to spend in the trade show area where you can learn about the latest products and newest services that help our industry to thrive.  With 20 hours of trade show time, it’s a great opportunity for movers to get some one-on-one time with their suppliers!  Here’s who’s signed up already:

Can’t get away for two days?  We have a one-day registration option so you can “work” the trade show.  Trade show hours are 7:30am to 4pm on Monday and 7:30am to 1:30pm on Tuesday or walk around on Sunday night at the Grey Cup Tailgate Party (separate admission).

Congratulations CAM Award Recipients 2024!

For 24 years CAM has been recognizing excellence in the moving industry. Whether it’s a long-time high-profile employee, someone behind the scenes who has dedicated their work-life to the betterment of the industry, or a moving company that has gone beyond the call of duty to help their community, our Association wants to acknowledge people who should be recognized for their work to improve the moving industry.

The class of 2024 is no exception. We are pleased to announce the following as recipients of a CAM award.

•    Public Service – Cotie Drinkwater, TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® – Niagara Region
•    Influencer – Alex Hupé, Shortline Moving (Winnipeg MB)
•    Industry Leadership – Mark Hirschi, Salmon’s Moving (Richmond BC)
•    Distinguished Service – Lorne Babiuk, Firemen Movers (Toronto ON) and 

•    Wayne Wishloff, Matco Moving Systems (Edmonton AB)
•    Mover – Quality Move Management (Delta BC) – Agent and 

•    Bob the Mover (Fort Erie ON) – Independent 

We have a wonderful industry that we should be proud of!

Recognition of these accomplished individuals and companies will be expressed at the CAM Awards Dinner on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, in Mississauga. If you are interested in attending to cheer on your colleagues, you can find single ticket or table options on our conference website under registration.

For more on the specific awards, recipients, and the dinner, click here.

Thanks To Our Conference Partners!

CAM’s partners – our supplier members and sponsors who endorse CAM and its objectives – are helping CAM to deliver this quality event to you.  We couldn’t do this without their continued support.  


Snowbirds Auto Connection Ltd.

Snowbirds Auto Connection is a family-owned and operated vehicle transport company providing reliable, door-to-door, damage-free transportation across Canada and the U.S. SAC offers a variety of services including coast-to-coast transportation, cross-border relocation and vehicle storage.

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Your ad could be here! Click above for more information about this exciting opportunity.

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January 2025 – Is International Moving Right For My Company?

When: Thursday, January 16, 2025 1:00 PM (ET)
Cost:  Free!

You started out local, then went across provincial lines. Things got a bit more complicated when you started doing cross-border to the USA.  Are you ready to other countries?

In the fourth of our series on business development, we explore the opportunity and challenges in shipping household goods internationally.  We will review the different ways to ship overseas, including groupage versus less than container load (LCL) versus full container load (FCL) among other topics.

Did You Miss “Is Cross Border Right For My Moving Company” On September 19th?

In the third of our series discussing growth opportunities, CAM2024 conference presenter Peter McCullough reviewed some of the finer points of providing relocation services to and from the United States.

Click here to view the webinar (27 minutes).

6 Moving Horror Stories Every Company Should Avoid (And How to Prevent Them)

Supermove, October 18, 2024

Moving can be a stressful time for clients, but it can also become a nightmare if things go wrong—for moving companies too. 

As a moving company, avoiding these common horror stories is key to protecting against expensive mistakes, keeping customers happy and building a strong reputation. 

Here are five moving mishaps that should never happen and tips on how to prevent them.

Tighter Rules On Air Freight Shipments After Fires

New temporary restrictions have been introduced for air freight shipments into the US, Canada, and Australia from Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries following reports of at least two packages containing incendiaries catching fire in European postal networks.

CNESST Offers New Insurance Premium Training

The CNESST is pleased to announce that a new training offer on insurance premiums is available on its website. As an employer or representative, you are invited to discover the training capsules specially designed to inform you and support you in your insurance premium obligations. Thanks to a user-friendly and interactive approach, these capsules offer a personalized learning experience. Discover these capsules now, from the Insurance Premium Training page. Stay tuned! Other training will be added in the coming months.

CAM Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, November 19, 2024 11:30 am

The Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Association of Movers will be held on Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at the Hilton Toronto Airport hotel in Mississauga. At this meeting, CAM will review our recent activities, our finances, and our plans for the coming year. Circle the date – we’d love to see you!

As required by CAM’s bylaws, the below agenda constitutes the notice of the annual general meeting.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

•    Call to order and opening remarks
•    Notice of meeting and adoption of agenda
•    Ratification of actions
•    Approval of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Nov 14, 2023
•    Committee chairs’ reports

o    Annual conference committee
o    International committee
o    Membership committee
o    Supplier committee

•    Treasurer’s report for the fiscal year ending Sep 30, 2024
•    Appointment of auditor
•    President’s report
•    Chairman’s report and direction for 2025
•    Election of directors
•    Other business
•    Adjournment

Reports, financials, and additional AGM information will be shared with members prior to the meeting. Interested in serving on the Board of Directors?  Contact Nancy.

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What A Day for Golf!

You never know what kind of a day it will be when you hit the links.  On September 16th, ten teams teed off to spectacular golf weather of sun and a slight breeze (although it could have been a few degrees cooler).  Thanks to our Presenting Sponsor, Hansen’s, for arranging the great weather.

Ten teams vied for various prizes, and “drove” hard through the various on-course activities. The afternoon was topped off with a yummy Belly Busting Buffet courtesy of Jeff Herszkowicz and FarrellPack.

Everyone always leaves with at least one prize and thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, there were lots of gift cards this year! Sadly, Ron Ohayon has still not been able to give away the Snowbirds Auto Connection $10,000 Hole in One, although we hear that a couple of people came close.  Here are our larger contest winners.

1. “Opening Drive” Hole in One – Jerry Aiello (Staples), sponsored by Snowbirds Auto Connection
2. Closest to the Box – Team Bronte/Intercontinental, sponsored by Déménagement Outaouais and Royal Moving (Robert Schumann pictured) presented by Nancy Irvine, CAM
3. Closest to the Line – Jay Ryan (Intercontinental), presented by Tracy Ward, Mover's Equipment & Supplies Ltd.
4. Closest to the Pin – Robert Schumann (Bronte Moving), presented by Jeff Herszkowicz FarrellPack 
5. Longest Drive – Brenda Naylor (Tippet Richardson) and Sean McGuire (CAM), presented by Chris Webber, NFP Canada
6. Blue Ball Challenge – Team Phillips/SFI, presented by Patricia Lopes, Blue Bins Unlimited
7. Best Looking Team (i.e., high score) – Team Spicers, sponsored by Déménagement Outaouais and Royal Moving, presented by Nancy Irvine, CAM
8. Low Score –Team Tippet Richardson, prize presented by John Kelly, Hansen’s

Thank You!

None of this would have happened without the huge support of all our sponsors and contributors, especially our Presenting Sponsor – Hansen’s – who have all made this day so much fun.  Every single sponsor’s participation makes such a difference in the outcome of our golf day and we can’t thank you enough.

See you next year!

TSA Development – New TSA Rule Tightens Air Cargo Security for International Shippers 

IAM, September 6, 2024

The International Association of Movers sent out a missive regarding a significant update in the Household Goods sector and Air Cargo.  As of August 21, 2024, the US TSA has implemented a new rule imposing stricter security measures for international cargo entering the US.  As of now, the TSA is requiring carriers to provide additional details of shippers and consignees to the US Customs and Border Protection agency from Europe, CIS, and Middle East regions.

Some foreign carriers may be suspending services until further clarification is given.  As always, check with your international partners before booking anything that may be routing through the US.

4 Leadership Tips To Keep Your Trucking Employees On Board, September 4, 2024

“People don’t leave organizations.  They leave bosses,” says leadership expert David Irvine, highlighting a long-standing issue in the trucking industry, where driver retention has been a persistent challenge.

Irvine argues that poor management and a lack of genuine care from direct supervisors are often the real reasons employees leave.  “If you don’t have time to take care of people, don’t expect them to stick around,” he says.

Fleet managers can foster a workplace where employees – from office staff to dispatchers and drivers – feel genuinely valued and motivated.  This can be achieved by discussing values during the hiring process, maintaining regular connections, setting clear expectations, and investing in leadership development.

The 6 Most Common Leadership Styles and How to Use Them

LinkedIn, April 8, 2024

Managers play an outsized role in shaping a company’s culture. Leadership in a management position is a balancing act between leveraging your personal strengths and adjusting to deliver what your team needs to remain positive, motivated, and productive. 

Understanding how your style of leadership impacts others can help you create the workplace culture that your team needs to thrive.

Part 7 – The Recap - What are the types of leadership?

Here are the six types of leadership that were covered in this series

1. Coercive Leadership Style
If you deliver directives in a commanding way, eliciting quick and effective action from your team, you may be a coercive leader.

2. Authoritative Leadership Style
Authoritative leaders (sometimes also called autocratic leaders) often share these traits: You are a visionary and you love looking to the horizon, seeing the potential ahead and motivating your team to push on toward your shared goals.

3. Affiliative Leadership Style
If you’re a people person, brimming with empathy, you may have an affiliative leadership style. Leaders of this type are often natural listeners — they’re at their best when they can offer support, give praise, and celebrate milestones.

4. Democratic Leadership Style
Democratic leaders take their team’s ideas and feedback into consideration, often allowing the opportunity for healthy debate before agreeing on how to proceed with a project or action item.

5. Pacesetting Leadership Style
If you’re a natural guide, this could be your leadership style. You have a clear view of the full path to success and understand what it takes for your team to be successful day-to-day.

6. Coaching Leadership Style
Does this sound familiar? You love helping others develop new skills and reach their full potential — plus you’re a natural at giving appropriate and effective feedback. If so, you may have a coaching leadership style.

Be the leader your team needs

Successful leadership is often about helping your team members achieve their goals and become their best selves at work.

Ready to be a transformational leader? Take some time to identify which of the six different leadership styles listed above feels most natural to you, then be sure to get situational or kinetic by employing the other leadership styles as circumstances change and your team evolves.

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